Lets find all the Alteys collections at your newsagent and on the dedicated website on Alteys Collections.
Develop or collect your magazine, build-up or life story journal, step by step. A large choice of themes, for collectors or builder, whether you are an expert or a begginner.
These collectiojns are eligible for subcription and reception directly at your house. In fact, you have the choice, thanks to the subscription offers in your magazine, to subscribe directly and return the answer to us by post, or quite simply on the website.
In any case, you will be delighted with complete and detailed magazine or life story journal, as well as meticulous manufacturing of build-up, and also the precision and quality of the figures that we offering you to collect!
Collection: Warrior of the World
Nos années Johnny: An Unique Life Story
Digital collections
In addition to offering you partwork collections, Alteys Collections also offers you new collections available only on our website!
Here again, the choice is wide there in order to satisfy your desires and wishes.
The crowdfunding collections are only online! No need to go at the store. Your exclusive content will be unlocked on the collection website with your identifiers, and then you will receive step by step your collection at home. In addition to these exclusives options, we offer different kinds of subscriptions so we can adapt the best to your interest!
And for even more participation on your part, we have created crowdfunding tests collections! In fact, you just need to choose Altey’s futures collections by deciding whether or not to pre-subscribe. Obviously it won’t cost you anything until the goal of the crowdfunding collection is target, with the mininum ask subscribers. And that is an ALTEYS COLLECTIONS exclusivity!
In any case, we make sure that you will be delighted by the quality of our digital content and the care taken in the design of our digital collections that we are offering you today!
Suggestion box
We are completly at your disposal for any suggestions, comments or questions concerning our collections or about us. We will be happy to chat with you!
Do you have any questions?
Do you need to get in touch?
If you send an email or direct message to us, please ensure you include your subscriber or number in the subject line or the body of your message, This will help us to locate your details and deal with your query more efficiently.
Please contact us by mail or by phone from Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm.
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Our customer service are listening.
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